In-Person Worship and Safety
(Updated April 2022)
We wanted to take a minute to give you all some background into our thinking about safety, the pandemic, and in-person church. The ever-present question is - How can we carefully and thoughtfully honor the spiritual need to be together while taking the current threat to our physical health seriously? This question is always wrestled with in prayer, the latest medical information, and the Spirit's leading.
We have four guiding principles that help us wrestle with these big decisions.
1. We follow the national and local requirements and thoughtfully consider the recommendations.
2. Individuals and families are best equipped to make decisions for their own safety needs.
3. Local schools provide a helpful model for how we can navigate our children's programs.
4. Weigh both the latest health information and the spiritual needs of this specific church family.
We are offering 3 different worship options:
8:30 am early service- (masks optional)
10:45 am late service - (masks optional)
Online anytime via our Youtube channel
We offer all-ages Bible classes at 9:45 am. Masks are welcome but only optional.
We hope that this helps you understand both the heart and the logic behind these decisions. Of course, we understand that each person reasons and prioritizes differently, hence the value of allowing everyone to make the best decision for themselves. One of the true strengths of a church family is sincerely loving people you disagree with! COVID responses have proven themselves to be an opportunity for division; as disciples, let's use it as an opportunity to show our world the type of unity that proves Jesus is real! (John 17:23)